by Kate Allatt | 27 June 2017 | Uncategorised
Amanda Ferguson (45) suspected drugs in the accident and amergency department. Jesse North (25) was diagnosed initially with vertigo in the emergency room but too was suffering with an early onset brainstem stroke. Steven Cassidy said ‘my mum was 49 and was diagnosed...
by Kate Allatt | 23 June 2017 | Uncategorised
Yesterday, I gave a speech to GP practice manager members of CHEC – the leading provider of education, training, referrals management and project leadership for GP Practices and Primary Care. The audience were engaged and keen to hear what my ‘mind-blowing ways...
by Kate Allatt | 11 June 2017 | Uncategorised
I failed to notice that the train, I was on was actually sat on, was already at my destination train station, Cheltenham Spa. Truthfully, I was rather too immersed in my new One Love Manchester playlist on Spotify. So I was forced to quickly – stroke survivors...
by Kate Allatt | 12 April 2017 | Uncategorised
I, nor the doctors, have a crystal ball. Who knows where you’ll be in 6-12 months? Progress may be quick and substantial or it may be slow and the rate of improvement not ‘significant.’ Note the word ‘plateau’ does NOT relate to improvement potential but is a health...
by Kate Allatt | 13 November 2016 | Uncategorised
Volunteering is good for us, so says one the 6 priorities written in the NHS 5 Year Forward View. (That along with person-centred care, partnership services, focus on equality and lowering inequality, carer support involvement & voluntary/social enterprise and...
by Kate Allatt | 27 September 2016 | Uncategorised
Prior to 2010, I was a marketing professional and extremely fit, fell running mother of three. Then my life changed catastrophically. I suffered a right vertebral artery dissection, occlusion and infarction of my pons at 39. When I woke up from my medically induced...
by Kate Allatt | 27 September 2016 | Uncategorised
Please don’t be premature with your improvement expectations of patients presenting with locked in syndrome. As explained in Part 1 of my story, it was like waking up inside my own coffin. I could feel, think, hear and see normally, but can move absolutely...
by Kate Allatt | 30 August 2016 | Uncategorised
Imagine the noise of a pneumatic drill and then a bomb exploding in your brain? Then imagine waking up inside your own coffin where you can think, feel, see and hear normally, but move absolutely nothing. AKA Locked In Syndrome. Worse still, imagine not being able to...
by Kate Allatt | 24 June 2016 | Uncategorised
Challenging traditional relationships and embracing shared decision-making by Marcus Powell The NHS Confederation conference last week was a busy affair; quieter, I’m told, than previous years but nonetheless a meeting place for reconnection, sharing and networking....
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