Keynote Speaker

Kate offers mind-blowing, funny, interactive speeches, workshops, seminars & lectures. She is a proven outstanding keynote and after dinner speaker. She is employed by large companies eg. NHS Confederation, BNP Paribas, EY, Cunard, Derma Sciences International, Sainsbury’s, NHS leadership Academy, RCGP, Merz, Garfield Weston, KPMG, etc.

Kate DISRUPTS mindsets with her interactive speeches & workshops:

  • Dr Kate Allatt is a wow factor, story telling speaker & facilitator who changes the way leaders think by inspiring people find their stories!



    Good stories stick longer, shape visions, teach lessons, set values & define culture…



    “Communication improves health outcomes”

    “Embedding digital capabilities into organisations collaboratively”

    “Tackling workplace mental health stigma”

    Failure is NOT an option!

She is booked by personal injury lawyers &/or rehabilitation case managers conference organisers eg, Bush & Company and Birchall Blackburn Ltd, Irwin Mitchels….


Key themes Kate is researching are:


Her testimonials are exceptional. She gave a TEDx talk on ‘Voicing Inner Thoughts Matters!”  For more information on her flexible rates please contact Kate.

I’ve also heard @kateallatt speak, a powerful reminder of why patients should always be at the centre of care.



Occupational Therapist

Kate delivered an engaging and reflective presentation to our MSD team of 100 people. Sharing her insight and personal perspective, Kate talked eloquently about how pharmaceutical companies some can support patients, better understand and meet their needs and work to differentiate themselves in a competitive and ever-changing market. Kate shared the view that by improving the way companies digitally engage and empower patients, they can make a real difference and work in partnership towards better health outcomes.

She illustrated the top priority areas in the health service and gave some practical suggestions for pharmaceutical companies operating in primary health care settings.

Her own personal story is extraordinary, and her informal speaking style is captivating, interactive and honest. The power of her remarkable speech reminded us all why we’re passionate about what we do and why we constantly work towards the ethos of helping people be well.

Tim Hines

Patient Programme Manager, MSD Human Health

More Testimonials

  • Disrupting Healthcare & Business:

    • Mindsets Shift When We #ThinkDifferently Speaker

    • Resiliency & #MarginalGains Coaching

    • Patient Communication & TRUST Improvisation Workshops

    • Research Pioneer, Collaborator & Internationally Published Author

It was the best talk of the day for me. So inspiring and so honestly delivered. Such a powerful message for all rehab professionals to take home and remember regarding the importance of expectations and also communication. I am sure I will think of you often when working with my clients in the future. And a book order will be placed shortly too. Thanks for such an inspiring session!

Victoria Mandrell

Occupational Psychologist and Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist, Bush & Company Rehabilitation

Kate Allatt is an outstanding speaker with an extraordinary story, delivered with passion, humour and great warmth. She gives very careful thought to her audience and their needs, tailoring what she says in a way that brings out the best in any audience. Every time I have met her I have been incredibly impressed.

Vivien Parry

Author & Broadcaster