Read this published research, my anecdotal findings for last 8 years PROVEN!  Now for more locked in syndrome improvement research!

Effect of Exercise on Physical Recovery of People with Locked-In Syndrome after
Stroke: What Do We Know from the Current Evidence?  A Systematic Review

Ying Man Lawa Lan Fang Fenga Qui Lianga Li Jiao Menga Peng Shena
Shuai Jiang Yua Wing Yi Paob

The reviewed studies indicate a positive trend of effect of exercise on physical recovery
of people with LIS after stroke including the improvement of muscle strength, tone, walking
ability, and activity in daily living. No adverse event was reported. Study designs and current
interventions were heterogeneous. A wide range of outcome measures was used. The effects
reported in the studies were not significant while the methodological quality of the existing
evidence was relatively low. Well-designed studies are needed to determine the effect of
exercise and suitable exercise prescriptions for the rehabilitation needs of people with LIS
after stroke.


My internationally published book!
